Part Numbers:
3451 6778484-01: This is the part number for the ABS/DSC (Anti-lock Braking System/Dynamic Stability Control) pump assembly.
3452 6778485-01: This refers to the control module component of the ABS/DSC system.
These components are commonly found in the following BMW models:
Specifically, they are associated with models such as the 323i, 325i, 328i, 330i, 335i, 325xi, 328xi, and 335xi.
Important Considerations:
Part Number Verification: Ensure that the part numbers 3451 6778484-01 and 3452 6778485-01 match your existing ABS/DSC unit to guarantee compatibility.
Coding Requirement: After installation, the ABS/DSC module typically requires coding to your vehicle's specific configuration.
Professional Installation: Due to the complexity of the braking and stability systems, it is recommended to have these parts installed by a qualified technician.
Condition: Used, tested, and fully functional
Warranty: 3 months warranty for used parts
Shipping: Worldwide shipping available, with delivery times ranging from 1-7 days depending on location
Payment Methods: PayPal, credit card, and bank transfer accepted
Contact: Sellers can be contacted via email or phone for compatibility checks and additional details